Dr. Sheila Bochicchio

Dr. Sheila Bochicchio has been practicing in Weaverville for over 20 years. She graduated from Life University in 1984, and primarily utilizes Sacro Occipital Technique. This technique practiced for almost a century includes the category spinal system, organ visceral reflexology, cranial adjustments, extremity function, and nutritional advice. Therapies offered include ultrasound, muscle stimulation, cold laser, and ionic foot bath.

Dr. Bochicchio holds association with the North Carolina Chiropractic Association (NCCA), Sacro Occipital Research Society International (SORSI), International Craniopathic Society (ICS), International Chiropractic Association (ICA), International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC), and Association of Research and Enlightenment (ARE). She is certified as a chiropractic craniopath and advanced SOTtm practitioner, Webster Technique, accomplished Toastmaster International, and chiropractic acupuncture.

When not being of service in her office, Dr. Bochicchio is an avid outdoors enthusiast. Her hobbies include organic gardening, traveling, sailing, fishing, hiking, camping, and nature.

Chronological history of Sheila Bochicchio, DC. CC.

1994 to present Practice in Weaverville, NC

1984 – 1993: Practice in Troy, NC.

1980 – 1984: Life Chiropractic College, Marietta GA. Graduated cum laud June, 1984
May-Sept 1980 Field researcher for USDA Maryland Gypsy Moth Study

1975 -1980: Frederick Cancer Research Center, Ft. Detrick, Frederick, MD
Lab tech in Cancer Biology and Metastasis. Vet. Tech for dog hospital.
Pathological assistant for chemical carcinogens and bioassays for consumables.

1974 -1975: Veterinary technician degree, Harcum College and intern at U Penn Veterinary

1972- 1974: Pre -Veterinary program at Indiana U. of PA

1960 – 1972: Tyler Hill School. Diploma in 1972 Damascus High School, Damascus, PA

Sheila Ann Schweighofer Bochicchio York was born in 1954 in a small hospital overlooking the Delaware River in Callicoon, NY, but spent her childhood living and working on a family farm in the Northern Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. She had decided at a very early age that she wanted to be a Veterinarian. She always thought from the heart, more than from the head. Eventually with an explorative mind, Sheila added critical thinking and logic, coupled with good hands and a warm heart, to become the Doctor she is today.

Dr. Bochicchio is proud of her four children and three grandchildren and her extended family including the eighth generation on her family’s farm. She enjoys practicing her roots by gardening and preserving foods and enjoys all animals around her. She loves a clean environment, fresh air, and pure water. She supports the family farm and organic farming with biodiversity with alive soil. She supports the arts and music, camping, boating, hiking, and travel. The two things she often advises people to do are to listen to your little inner voice (your intuition), and your innate intelligence.

There are four things we need to live a healthy happy and loving life: A proper diet, adequate exercise, sufficient rest, and a sound nervous system. When these four disciplines are within our grasp, we are blessed with a life as if we were living in heaven on Earth.8XJL-XJG7ED-V2AQ